Don’t Tangle Up Your Worth With Your Productivity


Culturally, we’ve learned to glamorize being busy, overworked, and burnt out. I hear so often from people that they have trouble slowing down, allowing rest, & feel like they constantly need to be busy with something. There’s also the element of toxic perfectionism that comes into play with the need to excel at everything and be everything to everyone. When you’re living with this mentality, you’ve plugged your self-worth into your productivity. These two things are NOT linked, and you are so much more than your level of productivity. Many people carry this belief on a deep subconscious level, and it serves as a block in your manifestation practice. ⁣

Your self-worth is not dependent on anything outside of you. You are worthy because you were born. ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀

A quick test to see if your self worth is linked to your productivity: look in the mirror and say “lazy”, “failure”, “slob”, etc. Any words like that. If you’re emotionally triggered by any of them, these are shadow words for you. I suggest taking these denied aspects of self through Unblocked Shadow to integrate them, and to sever the tie between your self worth and productivity levels. ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you have trouble saying no to the things that keep you unnecessarily busy (ex: work is so busy, you have a family to care for, and not much time for yourself. But you have a friend or neighbor that often asks you for favors and you have a hard time saying no), setting boundaries may also be difficult for you. Take inventory of anywhere in your life you feel your playing small or being taken advantage of and make a goal to say no to those situations/people. Your self-worth isn’t dependent on you saying Yes or people-pleasing either!

The more you integrate and are able to show up authentically (saying No when you need to) the more magnetism you’ll pull in!

Photo by Martin Adams


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