Creating Stories Around Your Partner’s Intentions


Brené Brown reminds us that the stories we tell ourselves are not always what’s actually going on. As humans, we tend to assign meaning and our own personal interpretation to other’s actions. We often take these interpretations as fact, which snowballs into lots of dangerous assumptions and unwanted emotions. What’s really going on is that our ego has created these stories completely based on our own projection, patterning, and past experiences. The ego likes to assign meaning to create a sense of safety & control, but this is a false sense of security and will only serve as a block to healthy relationships (and manifestation). ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The stories you tell yourself can really impact your relationships if you don’t slow your roll and open the lines of communication to see what the real story is. And two egos (projection) doing battle will never end in a healthy manner. So don’t even allow this battle to start. It takes self-awareness, an open mind, and working through triggers daily to get to this place of putting aside your story and communicating. It’s 1000% worth it, because it really is the key to healthy partnerships, relationships, and friendships.

I highly suggest taking your triggers through our Deep Imaginings to heal your side of the story, and then look into the IMAGO communication style to safely open up healthy communication in the partnership. ⁣⠀

If you’re feeling stuck in this area, our coaches would love to help! Book a one on one session here. ⠀

Photo by Diana Parkhouse ⠀⠀⠀


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