Expanded x Ep. 314 -  Life Catch up with Lacy & Jessica – Celebrating Expanded's 6 Year Anniversary

The universe is always guiding you toward your most authentic self.

Join Lacy and Jessica as we celebrate the sixth year anniversary of the Expanded Podcast! Reflecting on the incredible journey from the podcast's inception to its current success, they discuss the growth, community influence, and profound impact of this manifestation work as it lives out in the world. This special episode delves into Lacy & Jessica’s personal reflections, Lacy’s birth story (a major expander story for anyone on this journey), their recent wellness faves, manifestation milestones, and our future aspirations. This episode is our offering of gratitude to our dedicated listeners who have been part of this magical ride. Listen in for heartfelt insights, inspiring stories, and a look at the evolution of the TBM community over the past six years.

**Trigger warning: Brief mention of Miscarriages (00:50:00 - 00:55:00)

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In This Episode We Talk About: 

  • Reflections on the podcast's inception and unexpected growth

  • How the universe has guided the podcast’s direction

  • Personal growth and manifestation milestones of Lacy and Jessica

  • Lacy's and Jessica's personal manifestation journeys

  • Lacy shares her birth story with Teddy and her mindset to birthing baby #2

  • The role of intuition and surrender in manifestation

  • Lacy’s and Jessica’s skincare and wellness routines

  • Behind-the-scenes stories and personal anecdotes


  • Celebrating 6 years of Expanded! (00:08:40)

  • Favorite products for aging gracefully (00:31:10)

  • Lacy’s birth story and approach to birthing (00:41:30)


2024 TBM Summer Challenge - Get Out of Your Own Way

Join anytime - will be available until Sept 2 11:59pm PST 

Share a your manifestation story to be featured on a mini-process episode 

on the Expanded Podcast!

Find our summer challenge plus all our workshops and all workshops mentioned inside our Pathway Membership! (Including the Validation DI & all of our Unblocked DIs)

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Expanded x Ep. 315 - Turn Up The Volume On Your Intuition – Unlock Your Pings


Expanded x Ep. 313 - The Science of Slowing Down + Q/A of Your Most Pressing Questions