Expanded x Ep. 177 - Stepping Through Fear & Listening To Your Higher Self - The Process with Hanan

“‘No’ is one of the most magnetic words. Learn to say it even when it’s scary.”

Want tips to calm your nervous system, manifest your dream home, and silence your inner critic? Pathway member Hanan shares all of this, plus her manifestation process, misconceptions and truth about living in Middle Eastern countries, and how she connects with her higher self in times of stress. 

Jessica and Hanan also cover reframing triggers, and how pings can lead to big manifestations. This is a great listen for anyone new to this work, needing encouragement to stay on track, or looking for a new Expander.

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In This Episode We Talk About: 

  • Pathway Member Hanan’s recent remarkable manifestations! Including her dream home in Turkey and the perfect personal assistant

  • Her cultural background which includes influences from Saudi Arabia, Hawaii and Turkey

  • How Hanan found TBM work and the impact it has had on her life

  • The importance of feeling worthy of what you’re calling in 

  • Practices to calm your nervous system

  • Tests and limiting beliefs that came up for her and how she navigated them

  • How pings can directly lead to manifestations

  • The dream home that she manifested and the kismet story behind it!

  • Reframing triggers and how they lead to reprogramming

  • Tips on finding the right personal assistant

  • Standing up to your own self-sabotage voice

  • Connection with higher self energy!


In The Episode:

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Expanded x Ep. 178: Best of 2021 - Morgan Harper Nichols on The Power of Listening To Your Soul


Expanded x Ep. 176 - Elise Loehnen - Getting Back into Balance & Finding Expansion