Expanded x Ep. 125: 2020 Teachings with the To Be Magnetic Coaches
“The reality of what happened isn’t important. What’s important is your perception because that’s what’s in the subconscious.”
This is an extra special episode of Expanded as we welcome our fabulous TBM coaches Heather, Atarah, Salwa and Amanda to share some of their greatest teachings of the year. They join our host Jessica in a round table discussion about the energetics behind self-worth, lack mentality, people-pleasing, attachment styles, relationships & more. This episode covers it all.
Along the way, they dish out an immense amount of tips for navigating the work and the best way to move on from 2020 and enter the new year with magnetism. We’re so excited to share this episode with the community!
In This Episode We Talk About:
Backstories and expertise of all our TBM Coaches!
Current blocks they’re working through with clients
Maintaining mental health during quarantine
The importance of creating new daily habits
Energetics of New Year’s resolutions
Recognizing lack mentality in career and relationships
People pleasing and the roots behind it
Setting boundaries for the holiday season
Member submitted Q&A
Vision holding for 2021!
Join us for The Magnetism Challenge!
If you're not a Pathway member yet and want to join this challenge to create magnetism heading into 2021, our gift to you this holiday season is the code MAGNETIC20 for $20/month Pathway Membership (12-month commitment). You have until December 31st at Midnight PST to take advantage of this offer. Visit howtomanifest.com for full details/to join!
*Be sure to click “Apply” before enrolling. See full terms of use prior to purchasing any TBM product.
The Pathway 2.0 - Our gift to you this holiday season is the code MAGNETIC20
Pathway membership (12-month commitment). You have until December 31st at Midnight PST to take advantage of this offer. Visit howtomanifest.com for full details/to join!
Instagram: @theforestretreathouse
In The Episode
Find All Workshops inside The Pathway 2.0 - Our gift to you this holiday season is the code MAGNETIC20 (12-month commitment). You have until December 31st at Midnight PST to take advantage of this offer. Visit howtomanifest.com for full details/to join!
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Join The Magnetism Challenge!
Now through 12/31 join The Pathway for $20/m* Take advantage with the code: MAGNETIC20