Manifestation Blog
The Parent
Speaking to all parents, co-parents and child care providers in our new series, PARENT - how to raise the magnetic child while building your magnetism and authenticity at the same time.
Channeling • Manifestation
The act of channeling is something we all have the capacity to access. Lacy gives tips on how to listen to our own channeling.
SHAME • #BeAnExpander
Shame is the most universal emotion that connects every single human on the planet. Here are a few ways we can each individually do our own work on healing, integrating, reprogramming, and expanding.
Demystify: Jinxing Manifestation
Sometimes manifestations can feel too good to be true and fear starts to sink in that we can “jinx” these manifestations, that they'll disappear.
How to Navigate the "Almost Manifestations"
What if something you’ve been calling in finally comes, but no longer lights you up?
An Explanation of Ego
Can ego get in the way of manifestation? Not always. Lacy explains why in our newest YouTube video.
Specific vs. Non Specific in Manifestation
Have you ever been afraid to get specific with what you want to call in, for fear you’ll miss out on something greater?
Why Politeness Can Stop Your Magnetic Flow
Where are you allowing politeness to hold you back from being truly authentic?
Manifestation Is A Heavier Energy Than "Think Positive"
A new Youtube video demystifying the common misconception around the energetics of manifestation.
What Would Lacy Say? • Manifestation YouTube
Our new series, What Would Lacy Say. In this particular instance, WWLS to a blast from the past (a.k.a a test)?
Magnetism Savings • Manifestation
Don't worry if you've been doing all of the work and the big manifestations you've been asking for haven't come through. Here's what's actually happening and what you need to do!
Should I Work For Free? • Manifestation
Because I didn't go to college, working for free has always been my motto at accelerating and manifesting very quickly but there comes a time when you have to stop.
My Manifestations Aren't Sticking • YouTube
What do I do if I keep getting my manifestations but they don't stick, or they quickly dissolve, or they aren't quite right?
Clearing Superstitions and Becoming an Individual Manifestor
How to find your own unique patterns in manifestation.
How Do I Balance Forcing vs. Just Sitting Back and Trusting The Universe?
A new Youtube video answering this Q!
And Then I Got High: A Higher-Vibe Way To Take The Edge Off During Growing Pains
Ever wonder what natural concoctions achieve the same chill state as a Xanax and wine? Here's your higher-vibe, groovy swaps.
How do I deal when I've manifested too much too quickly and it's overwhelming or I feel like it's all going to get taken away.
The ones who see the vision of where you're going far before you do.