Lack vs Abundance Mindset


In the midst of this challenging time, everyone is in a variety of financial scenarios. Some of you are still getting ready to jump off a cliff and leave your job with an FU fund in place, and others have unexpectedly lost income sources. So, how do you stay in abundance when you’re not going to be pulling in income for a time? Will being frugal dim your magnetism? We get these questions all the time, so I wanted to break down how to navigate this. ⁣

The most important thing: an FU fund (savings) will allow you to stay in your worthwhile calling in your next career move, and it makes passing tests just that much easier, as you won’t feel a desperation to get your bills paid. ⁣

Now to keep your magnetism high, after you pay your bills and take care of investments/retirement/savings, any leftover funds can go to play! But that doesn’t mean to be frivolous - be VERY intentional & spend on what really lights you up, nourishes you, and brings healthy connection into your life. The new Authentic Code section of Unblocked Money is great for figuring out this aspect of your spending. Maybe it’s sprucing up your home, trying a new local restaurant, buying a coffee for a friend, or supporting a really aligned charity. ⁣

These financial habits (paired with reprogramming) communicate to the universe that even though you’re experiencing a gap in income right now, you have a deep trust in your ability to co-create with the universe. You’re in your worth and you know that that job, client, financial portal, whatever… is coming soon. ⁣

If you feel like you’re not able to ever spend a dime more than what you need to for absolute necessities, such as bills/groceries, but you’re technically able to... this subconsciously communicates to the universe you are still in lack and not in trust. You don’t have the subconscious space to hold a bigger manifestation just yet, and that’s fine! It’s important to note that you cannot fake this trust by spending. The action HAS to be backed by true subconscious belief. ⁣You’ll get there whenever you are ready because again, you’re co-creating. ⁣

⁣Photo by Nikolai Chernic


Normalizing Changing Your Mind When Presented New Info


Progress, Not Perfection