Expanded x Ep. 347 - Why Your Dream Life Requires Letting Go - The Process with Ziza

On the other side of fear is the life that’s always been waiting for you.

What if your greatest fears could lead you to your most authentic life?

In this expansive Process episode, Jessica welcomes writer and TBM member, Ziza, as she shares her profound journey from self-doubt and people-pleasing to manifesting her dream life in Italy. Ziza shares openly about growing up with untethered parents, adopting patterns of parentification, shape-shifting, and relying on external validation due to deep-rooted fears of abandonment. Discover how she navigated a four-year rut in career before landing her dream job—by reconnecting with her inherent worthiness and listening to her intuitive pings. 

Jessica and Ziza explore how embracing life's worst moments can revive and reshape your character, and why true expansion often requires releasing control to trust life's mystical surprises. Learn how subconscious reprogramming through TBM practices helped Ziza exchange "good" for "great," prioritize her inner voice, and ultimately manifest a profound, authentic life. This episode powerfully reminds us that what's meant for you will never miss you, and it's never too late to courageously pursue your dreams.

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In This Episode We Talk About: 

  • The impact of childhood experiences on self-worth and manifestation

  • How immigrant roots shaped Ziza’s identity and internalized beliefs

  • Parentification, hyper-independence, and learning to trust support

  • The bridge job as a stepping stone to deeper alignment

  • Why the “money” block is never just about money

  • The power of subconscious reprogramming in shifting scarcity mindsets

  • The importance of sitting with fears and dissolving their charge

  • How stillness and presence enhance manifestation

  • The role of energetics in receiving unexpected opportunities

  • Manifesting a dream move to Italy through self-trust and surrender

  • Parenting with awareness—breaking cycles while maintaining balance

  • Setting boundaries with the inner critic to avoid fear-based decision making

  • Why expansion requires discomfort, trust, and deep inner listening

  • Honoring where you are now instead of chasing the next goal

Mentioned In the Episode: 


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Expanded x Ep. 346 - Top 5 Tips to Navigate the In-Between (aka The Magic Dark)