Expanded x Ep. 221 - The Budgetnista, Tiffany Aliche — From Rock Bottom to Aligned Financial Success
“Money is merely a tool to reach a holistically happy life.”
“I’ve had women tell me - ‘I went from homeless to homeowner because of you.’ That’s the legacy I want to leave.” Our community has been loving conversations around finance – so we’re thrilled to share this week’s guest, Tiffany Aliche, aka The Budgetnista! Get out your notepad for tips on saving, budgeting, investing, and getting out of extreme debt.
Hear about Tiffany’s personal financial rock bottom and how she emerged stronger— from being broke in her 30s, living at her parents to making seven figures, running a successful business in her 40s! You will get step-by-step advice for how to budget your whole life, cultivate a positive money mindset, spend according to your core values and more!
In This Episode We Talk About:
All things financial education with our guest: Tiffany Aliche, aka The Budgetnista!
Tips on saving, budgeting, investing!
Her own financial rock bottom and how she emerged stronger
Living outside your means
Step-by-step advice for how to budget your whole life
The path Tiffany took to start The Budgetnista
Savvy ways to get out of extreme debt
The importance of discussing money in a family unit
Saying no to opportunities that don’t light you up
Core values! Their importance and connection to finances
Different tactics to save for retirement at any age
How to cultivate a good money mindset!
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Resentment Digital Masterclass - Pre Sale
In The Episode:
Bon Charge - 15% off with code MAGNETIC
BITE Toothpaste Bits - 20% off your first order with code TBM
Where To Find Tiffany!
Disclaimer - This podcast is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be taken as direct financial advice. Please consult your own financial advisor and do your own research before making any financial decisions.
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