Expanded x Ep. 206 - EXPLAINED Aligned Action with Dr. Tara Swart
“When it comes to aligned action, we’re telling the universe that we’re worthy.”
Are you taking actions that communicate your worthiness to the Universe?
Dr. Tara is back to chat with Lacy & Jessica about the energetics, neuroscience, and importance of taking aligned action. They also cover the neuroscience and psychology behind our new Deep Imaginings + The Unblocking Challenge, how to create a new neural pathway, the relationship between money and ego, microdosing, infinite consciousness, and how all of this connects back to Neural Manifestation!
We’re so excited for you to hear this one and hope it brings clarity to what actions you need to take in your Neural Manifestation practice!
In This Episode We Talk About:
The return of the amazing Dr. Tara to speak with Lacy & Jessica about aligned action!
How she informed the new DI’s and Unblocking Challenge with neuroscience and psychology
Four ways to reprogram a new neural pathway
Questions from the TBM community!
The relationship between money and ego
Finding the root desire behind your manifestations
A deep dive into the science and energetics of reprogramming
Microdosing - how it relates to neuroplasticity
God, source, infinite consciousness!
Instinct vs. intuition
The three elements that need to be in motion in order to manifest!
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In The Episode:
Expanded x Ep. 202 - EXPLAINED Unblocking with EMDR Therapist Janelle Nelson
Expanded x Ep. 197 - EXPLAINED Divorce and Relationships w. LMFT Janelle Nelson
Expanded x Ep. 193 - Finding Your Empowered Voice - The Process With Janelle
Expanded x Ep. 194 - EXPLAINED Microdosing with Lacy’s Therapist, Katie LaRue
Expanded x Ep. 191 - EXPLAINED Unblocking with Lacy’s EMDR Therapist, Katie LaRue
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