Expanded x Ep. 71: Navigating Money and Career with Lila Seeley
“There is that perfect job. What you want exists and if it doesn’t you have the ability to create it.”
This is Lila’s last episode! As one of the first people Lacy manifested to bring on board, she really helped to make To Be Magnetic a brand. Lila is now transitioning to a new career path. In this episode, they talk about Lila’s transition and the work and tests she encountered over the past year or so. They also answer some listener questions around career, money, bridge jobs, and maintaining your worth in career.
In This Episode We Talk About:
The new platform and content for the site
Lila’s transition to a new career path
How she started saving up for a transition, and her bridge job
The fears that have come up around money as she makes this transition
Dani Beinstein’s reading for Lila and what it meant for career and money
How Lila navigated her Pluto transit
The perfect timing of Lila’s job at TBM
Lila’s advice for people at a pivotal moment in their careers
Things you can do or look at if you’re: thinking of leaving a position, hesitating to go after another offer you want, or are satisfied and looking for something deeper
Taking stock of your accomplishments and your skillset
What Lila is hoping to do next, and what pings she’s been following
The idea of a reverse block
The energetics around buying in abundance and living out the means of our goals
Being in abundance for specific monetary goals
Calling in expanders the same way you might call in a partner
Manifesting things that may be in conflict with one another
Listening to the universe when you are stuck in a toxic environment
Permission to move through different goals or ideas quickly
The idea of perfect timing, and what timing we have control over
The difference between a bridge job and a test
Keeping your lifestyle free with a bridge job and beyond
Understanding the root cause of relationship dynamics
How love and money are intertwined in energetics
Staying in your worth when you get fired from a job
Building your trust muscle through tests
Surrender and gracefulness as necessary components to passing the big tests
Best DRE’s and expanders around money
Navigating a financial rock bottom while you’re in a relationship high
Manifesting even with energetic vampires around
Boundaries and codependency
Expressing ourselves externally through our wardrobe, and financially supporting a wardrobe overall
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Instagram: @tobemagnetic
Instagram: @theforestretreathouse
Lacy Phillips Live: The Manifestation Tour (MEMBER for $15 off)
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Lacy’s Intro
Instagram: @theforestretreathouse
Lacy Phillips Live: The Manifestation Tour (use code MEMBER for $15 off if you are a member of The Pathway )
Workshops Mentioned OR Find all of them in The Pathway
DRE (Shadow and Inner Child DRE & Trigger DRE found in here)
Unblocked No only in The Pathway
In The Episode
Where to Find Lila
Instagram @Lilaabell
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